Reflect. Respect. Celebrate.
We reflect on our nation’s past, which began more than 65,000 years ago, and the impact of European settlement on the First Nations Australians. Our national day is a time, above all, for inclusion and respect. We aim to respect the contributions of all Australians, and we celebrate our achievements by coming together and connecting with family, friends and the community. Australia Day is an opportunity to celebrate our cultural diversity and rich migrant heritage which is very much part of our unique Australian identity.

Reflect, Respect and Celebrate
We reflect on our nation’s past, which began more than 65,000 years ago, and the impact of European settlement on the First Nations Australians. Our national day is a time, above all, for inclusion and respect.
We aim to respect the contributions of all Australians, and we celebrate our achievements by coming together and connecting with family, friends and the community.
Australia Day is an opportunity to celebrate our cultural diversity and rich migrant heritage which is very much part of our unique Australian identity.
Australia Day Cruises on Sydney Harbour
Spend a couple of glorious hours with the Fantasea Cruising crew as we revel in all that Sydney Harbour has to offer.
Cheer on your favourite ferry as they compete for the elusive title, block your ears as the 21 Gun Salute is fired from North Sydney under the bridge, watch the Tug and Yacht Ballet in awe of nautical precision as a fleet of yachts, personal watercraft, tugboats and ferries tack in unison.